Song & Verse


 What Listeners are saying about "A Sacred Place"

From Mike W.

"Just finished listening to A Sacred Place, Guided Meditation. I found in listening to this CD a reservoir of serenity."

From Michele M., Ph.D., BodyMindSpirit Arts and Education

"This is an exceptional piece and it was a wonderful experience for the students. They loved it."

Annetta "Nettie" M., Writer, Intuitive, Personal & Professional Coach

".  . . gifts my soul with a quietness, sense of peace and stillness in 8 minutes that nothing else has done as quickly."

Tani C.

 "Calming...nice to unwind to after a full day."


Karen Hunley-Pifher


Jean Jay


Sue Mogan-Mattison


Kate McSweeney


MJ Abell


Sara Phelps


Tani Colvin


Susan Crawford


Linda Farrenkopf


Spoken Word

Sharon West



Sara Phelps


Photos by

Christina Merrill


Sara Phelps

Sue Mogan-Mattison

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